The tools you use to build your pipeline depend on the systems you are pulling data out of. For each data type, identify the system you need access to and check the relevant section below.
Community supported:
If you are unable to utilize one of our out of the box integrations, you can check out connector options that are built by third parties and the Algolia community.
If the system with the required data has an integration point where you can use one of the API clients listed above, this is an optimum point to index to Algolia.
If you can access t changes to the data (deltas), we can use addObjects, partialUpdateObjects, and deleteObjects methods.
If you can only access the entire database, we can use replaceAllObjects.
Algolia Crawler
The Algolia crawler is a good fit for your implementation if you have static, HTML content you want to index. For example, the Algolia Crawler is a great way to index data for a site search implementation. Optimally, you can enrich crawled static content with ranking data from Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics.
You can manage all configuration details, in the Crawler Editor as a JSONfile. Once you’ve set up your startUrls and sitemaps you can run the Crawler and use the path explorer and data analysis to figure out which URLs have been crawled and which haven’t. Then you can update the configuration to ensure all required URLSs are crawled.
Once all required URLs are being crawled you can configure how the Crawler should extract data into records, in a Javascript function within the configuration.